Child help is a US non-profit organization founded in 1959 as International Orphans, Inc. The organization was founded by Yvonne Fedderson and Sara O’Meara and is one of the largest organizations devoted to child abuse prevention. This article describes why this organization is essential. But, first, let’s examine some of its mission-driven programs. You may also be interested in:
Face It(r) Movement Organizations
The Face It(r) Movement is a child protection initiative started in 2012 after a public outcry over the number of children killed in abuse and neglect. The organization aims to improve child welfare services through prevention, community engagement, and effective policies. After all, caring for children is an adult’s most important job. In this regard, Kosair Charities’ Face It(r) Movement is a great way to do your part.
Nurse-Family Partnership Organizations
Nurse-Family Partnership is a holistic program designed to improve the health and well-being of first-time moms. Nurses come to the home of participating first-time moms during the early stages of pregnancy to offer practical, supportive advice on caring for their children and securing a secure future for their families. In addition, the program helps mothers bond with their children and develop positive relationships with their nurses.
The Nurse-Family Partnership program pairs registered nurses with first-time mothers in low-income communities. The nurse regularly visits the home and provides educational and parenting support. The visits begin during pregnancy and continue until the child reaches two years old. Throughout the program, women are supported to achieve their educational and employment goals. As a result, mothers and children are healthier and happier because the program helps them become economically independent.
National Science Teachers Association
If you’re a preservice science teacher or interested in becoming one, the National Science Teachers Association is an excellent organization to join. This child-centered organization is dedicated to supporting and encouraging the professional development of science teachers. Members have access to discounts on national conventions and other professional development opportunities. They can also take advantage of skill-building webinars that help them build their skills and knowledge. Membership is available to educators, students, and parents.
The NSTA also provides educational materials to educators. NSTA Reports! Provides educators with national news about science education, teaching materials, and upcoming NSTA teacher programs. The NSTA Learning Center allows educators to explore the content, document professional growth, and collaborate with other like-minded educators. Membership also includes discounted workshops, webinars, and a free magazine. If you’re a teacher, join today!
SOS Children’s Villages-USA
The SOS Children’s Villages-USA is a child help organization that focuses on helping abandoned children and young people transition into independent living. These villages provide up to 15 children with the care they need and a loving environment. They provide school supplies, medical care, and family stability so each child can be healthy and achieve independence. In addition, SOS helps these children develop independence skills and develop strong bonds with their families.
SOS Children’s Villages-USA is a non-profit organization that promotes the rights of all children, especially the most vulnerable. SOS is the largest non-governmental organization in the world, and all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The SOS’s mission is to provide orphaned children with permanent families and to help them grow into productive and independent adults.