Advice on How to Swing a Golf Club for Novices

Golf Basics for Beginners: Essential Tips to Improve Your Game

If you are a beginner golfer, it is important to understand the different parts of your swing. You must know your stance, posture, backswing, and follow-through to play the game effectively.

It is also essential to have good balance throughout your golf swing. With this, you will find it easier to make solid contact with the ball.


The stance is one of the most important parts of a golf swing and can enormously impact your game. If you have a poor stance, it won’t be easy to make a good swing, and your scores will suffer.

You can improve your stance with a little practice. Ideally, you should stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart for full shots and close together for pitch and chip shots.

A bad stance can result in you losing your balance and making it harder to hit the ball properly. A proper stance helps you transition your weight from one side to the other without falling over and also allows you to clear your hips better.

The correct stance also prevents injuries and ensures your back stays healthy. You can check your stance by standing on your heels and shifting your weight slightly.


One of the most important things you can do to improve your golf game is to establish good posture when swinging. It’s a foundation for everything else in the swing, including timing, balance, and clubhead speed.

A good stance can lead to a lot of good shots. A faulty stance can cause the body to shift up and down, often resulting in a lack of spine angle during the backswing and downswing.

Getting into the correct posture can be challenging for some people but can be improved with practice. It will also make your swing much more consistent, as it will help you develop the proper shoulder tilt during the backswing and follow-through.

A good stance is generally considered to be one where the shoulders and feet are about shoulder-width apart, with a slight bend in the knees. This will create enough space for the club to travel through impact without hitting the ball too low or too high.


When swinging, the backswing is one of the most important parts of your golf game. This is because it sets the club up for impact.

When your backswing starts, keeping the club on a line parallel to your target line is important. This will help ensure that your club head makes good contact with the ball at impact.

The backswing is also a great way to practice your alignment. Try hitting a few balls using the backswing with your hands aligned to the target.

The ideal backswing should feel like a coiled spring. Your body needs to coil during the backswing to generate power.


The follow-through is a crucial part of the golf swing, but it often needs to be addressed by beginners. They think it’s just a bit of show, but if you want to play consistent shots, your follow-through is vital to the swing.

A good follow-through can make a huge difference to the consistency of your shot and help you hit a more consistent ball flight. It also acts as a diagnostic tool to tell you what happened in the earlier parts of the swing so you can fix any issues you may have been struggling with.

When you’re learning to follow through, you must work on staying balanced throughout the swing. This is a crucial aspect of the follow-through, but it can be easy to overdo it and finish your swing in an incorrect position.